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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Nov 24, 2014 3:26 am by Miss Elegent Serenity

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 ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)

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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 1:57 pm

Name: Arisa Nightwind
Age: 17
Sex: female
Weapons: Katana, a small hand held crossbow, and a dagger strapped to her right thigh which she usually uses to free animals from spring traps.
Class: Animal Tamer/ assassin
Creature/Ability: Arisa is capable of some illusion magic; but only in it's most basic form. The village that she had grown up in was burned to the ground, and she barely escaped with her life. She, and her horse that she had lovingly called Shadow, are now trying to find any survivors from her village, specifically her parents.

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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 4:18 pm

Shinimagami wrote:
Zalia blushed slightly, as Beelzenef grabbed her hand. She turned and looked at him, surprised by his admission about caring deeply for her. "B-Beel-"
"I don't care what you think!" Lord Song shouted. "I will be taking Zalia home, by force if needed."
One of the advanced guard raised his arm, as the advanced guard archers readied their bows.
Zalia turned to her father. "Stop this." She begged him.
"I've said my peace. You can either come home to avoid bloodshed, and submit to your role; or you can stay and watch them all die. It's your choice." Lord Song spoke coldly.
An archer, having difficultly steadying his bow, fired his arrow...striking a smaller goblin in the chest.

Many of the goblins witnessed the arrow strike the small goblin in the chest. His eyes glazed over before he fell backward dead. Many of the goblins yelled in anger as the rushed the guards with daggers and knives in hand. Beelzenef grabbed Zalia by her arm and forced her behind him while saying "Stay behind Beelzenef, need teach real monsters not fight goblins." as he unshathed his sword and started laying waste to any human in his way
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 4:32 pm

Zalia stared in horror, as the small goblin had been struck...this expression remained on her face, as she feel to her knees. She had never seen this much blood before in her life. "Beel....Beel...." her voice trailed off.


Arisa sat by a river and washed off the dirt on her face. It had been a long few days...but she had finally made it to the river. "Now, if I can just follow it, I'll hopefully find my parents." She thought out loud.
Shadow, Arisa's horse, pawed the ground and snorted at her.
Arisa turned around, as she grabbed the reins, and walked the horse to the river. "Yes...we came here for you to have a drink too." She giggled.
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 8:33 pm

Age: 27
Sex: male
weapons: Crimson rapier, a dagger that's of the same color and some small throwing knives.
class: Rogue
creature/abilites: Zerron's a flame ninja, he can control flames and fire but he can get carried away and can also use up too much energy if he's not careful. he can control his element with his weapons just like sean can as well. He's also has a vast knowledge of demons, their ways and the tricks that they like to use. this also means that he has a pretty good knowledge of runes as well, and can effectively use them.


Zerron had been walking a long time when he decided to rest for a little bit. He unsheathed his crimson rapier from his back and sat down for some rest, resting the blade beside him. He relaxed his mind as he thought about where he was supposed to go next.
I know that the time limits probably up, but I bet the kings willing to take anyone with all the rumors and stories going around.
He looked around to get his bearings so he wouldn't get lost.
I bet he could use an expert on demons, and who better to have on hand with that kind of knowledge than a flame ninja.   
Just at that moment he felt something happen nearby. something that could cause more chaos... he could sense it. He grabbed hold of his rapier and jumped up, closing his eyes to sense where it came from.
There, I can barely sense it but it's a stray demonic spark...
"I have a feeling that this won't be good..."
He sprinted off to where the source of the disturbance came from. he felt that wherever this spark was, it wasn't up to any good. especially with everyone bent on pure destruction or conquering lands.

when he got to the top of a hill, he saw a group of armed nights and archers at the ready against a goblin army.
Isn't that the goblin hold that I've been hearing about...
then he saw an archer let go an arrow into the chest of one of the smaller goblins.
"And that would be my stray demonic spark at work. Great, and it causes an peaceful hold of goblins to become violent..."

Zerron started to run as fast as he could to get to the battle, thinking what to do in order to stop this unnecessary confrontation. he powered up his rapier blade as he ran down the hill, getting ready for what his mind would come up with.   
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 1:28 am

Hexy reached the entrance to the goblin village first - and froze, for the sounds of battle resounded from within.
She looked over her shoulder, yelling back to the others.
A split second later, she regretted her decision.
Oh no. Trinity's in that maelstrom, and it's all my fault...

Clun instantly started lolloping down the hill, club in hand, eyes narrowed.
Vizard and Gizzard on the other hand, simply got big grins at the thought of some entertainment and broke into sprints, hurtling down the hill towards the entrance.
Tyrcestus's fists clenched so hard they almost drew blood from his palms, and tore down the hill, all of them arriving at the entrance at the same moment.

"There's a war going on..." Clun smelled the air.
"Humies vs goblins, from the stink of it. Who's side we on?"

Tyrcestus instantly started giving orders, and his head marveled at the ease his mouth took charge.
"Vizard, Gizzard, Clun, find out whatever's going on and put a stop to it. I'll follow on and tend to the wounded. Sean, Hexy, find Trinity and I swear to the gods that if anything's happened to her, Hexy, I am holding you PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE!"
The yells and screams of dying goblins and men resounded through the air.

Hexy mounted Fweep and hovered above the ground, swooping through the streets.

Clun did what trolls loved doing.
He ran forwards until he found the nearest battle, and started knocking goblins and humans on the head with his club, making both sides think there was a psychopathic troll in the vicinity.
"I knew going with yous was a good idea!"

Vizard and Gizzard smoothly passed through and between goblins and humans, staying out of the battle.
A goblin took a swing at Vizard, who coolly remarked "Butterfingers," causing the goblin to drop the blade on his foot.
Another goblin ran towards Gizzard, who remarked "Well, it's jolly good. You killed me just from looking at me. In fact, you've become king of the world. Nothing to worry about for you, eh?"
The goblin's face cleared, and it looked insufferably smug, swaggering around waving it's sword.
"I love it," Gizzard commented as they slipped past, heading towards Beelzenef and Lord Song at the center of the disturbance whilst Clun distracted the main forces.

Tyrcestus ran from wounded man to wounded goblin, his body smoking as he restored them to health, the lines on his back crimson as he exerted his magic.
"So much blood... so pointless... so VIOLENT..." he gasped, the strength draining out of him with every life he saved.
"Stop this... please..."
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Miss Elegent Serenity
Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 2:09 am

Trinity hsd noticed the battle going on and had found a spot to him in. She had crawled into a hole in a nearby barrel, watching the battle take place
'I probably should have stayed with the group but I could't bare to face Ty after Hexy told him"
she backed herself as far into the barrel as she could. she would wait til the battle died down before coming out
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 6:23 am

Arisa heard birds scatter from an area near by, and crows rush over head to the area the song birds were fleeing from. She looked at Shadow, and grabbed his reins. "It looks like we have some investigating to do." She said to Shadow, as she gently tapped the horse's back legs with her heals. "Let's go." The horse took off in a run. After a few minutes, she could clearly hear the sounds of swords striking swords, yelling, and screaming. 'It sounds like a battle.' She pulled on the reins to stop Shadow. She hopped off the horse, and tied him to a nearby tree branch. "You'll be safer here." She said to the horse, as she scaled the tree, leaping from branch to branch until she could clearly see the battle below her....goblins, humans...and a troll...'A troll?!' a puzzled expression formed on her face.
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 7:23 am

Beelzenef was seen fighting Lord Song, though he didn't try and bring down his sword over him like he would any other threat. He knew that Zalia would be deeply saddened if she witnessed the large goblin slay her only living relative. Taking advantage of a moment of weakness Beelzenef unarmed the arrogant lord and drove his fist into the side of his skull. He turned to four goblins and said "Dyga Vydran Munt du mynka lyka eh ledo. Sa taym fedr haf baubma."

As four goblins carried away Lord Song before Beelzenef roared, cause every goblin and warrior under Lord Song's command to break apart. He looked around at the wreakage of the battle, several of casualties, both human and goblin lay about. Wearing a stern expression on his face Beelzenef turned to Zalia and whispered "Zalia be okay, Beelzenef protect her." As he lifted her into his arms. He turned and declared "Cease my kin, every man and goblin listen to Beelzenef. Lord Song try take Zalia and hurt kin, that show me Lord Song and men who fight goblins that not want fight be real monsters."

Beelzenef glanced at Tyrcestus, Hexy and the other strange people who were now appearing on the battlefield. They didn't look like that weren't part of the Song army, so Beelzenef just said "Me not know who you strangers be, me not care. Stop fighting or me and kin see you as foes too."
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 8:00 am

"don't worry we'll find her."
sean started to search the streets for the cat that he saw earlier.
I hope nothing bads going to happen...

Zerron saw a troll go into the fray as well as a few humans.
what in the bloody hell...
as he watched the troll he could only make sense of it.
Okay, I need to keep anyone else from getting involved.
just as he jumped in the air, reading his sword to create a ring of fire around the battlefeild, he then heard the biggest of the goblins yell out, making the goblins stop in their tracks.
"that makes things easier."
he spun around and landed right ouside the huge group, sheathing the sword back onto his back. he stood there to see what would happen next.   Zerrox heard what the leader had said to them and decided to stay silent, just in case.
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 8:13 am

Zalia stared at Beelzenef, still in shock over how much blood she had seen, though she was thankful that he had not killed her father. "Th-thank you, Beelzenef." She said at length, then looked away from him. "I-I'm sorry I froze when the fighting started." She spoke softly. "I've never seen this much blood before....and....and I...I didn't know what to do..."


Arisa tilted her head slightly, however, when she did this, she lost her balance on the branch, and fell from the tree, right on her posterior. "Ouch..." she grunted, then looked around, noting she was surrounded by both goblins, and soldiers. "Umm...."
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 12:55 pm

As all trolls did, Clun had difficulty telling his instincts to stop bashing things.
Tyrcestus stood in front of the next hapless goblin, arms spread.
"Clun. Stop."
The troll shook, his club wavering.
The club started coming down.
Clun dropped the club, and started shivering like he'd just run a marathon. "I... I is sorry. Is hard... to control...bashy thoughts..."

Tyrcestus patted Clun on the shoulder. "Just as long as you manage it." The pat healed the few cuts Clun had sustained in the battle, and Tyrcestus quietly walked off to give aid to the fallen.

The top of Trinity's barrel opened, revealing a relieved Hexy looking down at her.
"Oh thank the gods you're not dead," Hexy gasped, pulling the cat out of the barrel and placing her on top of it.
"Don't scare Tyrcestus like that. Seriously. Gods, he's scary...still not as hot as Sean though..."
She was forced back to the present. "Look, are you OK, did any of them hurt you?"

Vizard cleared his throat, whilst Gizzard whipped out the king's seal.
"Hello! I don't know about the red fellow and the frankly gorgeous tree lady -" he winked at Arisa where she was sat - "but our group are emissaries of the king, here to talk to a goblin about a sword. We are here to spread truth, justice, equality to all, freedom to life and live, and our ultimate goal is to eradicate evil from this land!"
A dramatic pause.
"And, to acquire all the saucy wenches that can handle our, shall we say... kingly staffs."
Then he looked serious.
"But seriously, we're just really good guys and don't want a fight."
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Miss Elegent Serenity
Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 1:07 pm

Trinity looked up at Hexy then shook her head as if answering her. she then jumped down off the barrel and started walking through the crowd
'that smell. its familiar'
she was heading close to zalia
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 1:49 pm

"You not need apologize to me, first big battle not easy for Beelzenef too. Just need stand strong." Beelzenef said as he gently set Zalia onto the ground

The large goblin then took notice to Vizard, Tyrcestus, the large troll and Arisa before saying "Welcome to goblin city." Beelzenef said pointing to the mountain behind him before saying "Uhh well goblin city under mountain. Me Beelzenef, leader of goblin kin." before he glanced at the kings seal before saying "Most goblins might not know of sword that humans like. Elders might know though, they tell stories of many ago to children. Who goblin you look for?" Beelzenef asked
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 1:54 pm

Arisa's face turned red. "Gorgeous tree lady..." she muttered, as she got up from the ground, and dusted herself off. "I lost my balance...I don't live in the trees." She pointed out.

Zalia looked at Beelzenef and nodded her head. "I'll try not to freeze next time." Her ears moved forward, as she caught the scent of someone she should know. Her fox tail flicked slightly, as she tried to figure out who this was.
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 2:38 pm

When Sean saw hexy picking up a cat from a barrel he was relived a little.
he was also relived to find that the fighting had stopped. And that the Goblin leader was willing to help them out.
one less thing to worry about.
He ran towards the huge group to rejoin his own group.

Zerron was relived that there wasn't too much of a battle. but as the group was moving he couldn't help but notice one person that was running up towards the group of goblins. He saw that he was wearing clothing simillar to that of a Lightnig ninja, but yet he didn't look like he was born into the Lightning Clan ether.
There was only one person that I've met long ago that was adopted by a great lightning master....
He decided to keep his distance and move on when he heard they had to say and what they where seeking.
what a stroke of luck. well maybe I'll hang around this place, just in case.
he looked around in the surronding forest.
I wonder who else could know to come here to find the location of this sword that I've been hearing about.
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 2:58 pm

Hexy blinked, following after Trinity.
"Hey, wait up! Tyrcestus is that way!"

Vizard and Gizzard both noticed a black cat moving towards the fox girl.
"Trinity? Is that you?" Gizzard queried.

A deep chuckle sounded from right behind Zerron's ear.
"Seventeen years... and I'll finally get to see my daughters together."
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Miss Elegent Serenity
Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:05 pm

Trinity looked back at Hexy then back int the direction of the smell, then back at Hexy again. Something was bothering her and she had to figure out what it was. So she ignored Hexy and continued making her way through the crowd until she reached the opening where Zalia and Beelzenef were standing. She hissed upon seeing Zalia's tail and ears
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:11 pm

Seeing the cat hiss at her upon sight seemed to cause Zalia to become confused. She blinked a few times and walked towards the cat. "I remember you from somewhere." She said to the cat. "You smell familiar too. Why is that?" She tilted her head, as her fox ears twitched and pointed forward.

Confused, Arisa walked towards the group. "Umm....what's going on?" She asked, as she lowered her head slightly.
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Miss Elegent Serenity
Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:20 pm

Trinity took a step back as Zalia approached her asking why she smell familiar. Trinity had the same question in mind and decided the only way to talk was to transform. She changed into her catgirl. A girl with black hair, black ears and black tail and her ribbon with the bell still around her neck. She tilted her head
"Y-your like me?"
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:24 pm

Zalia's eyes almost fell out of her head, as she fell back. 'It''s...." her face seemed to drain of all its color when she saw the catgirl in front of her. "Y-yes...." she said at length. "Umm....I don't mean to be rude....but....umm...why are you familiar to me?"
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:34 pm

Beelzenef looked curiously from Trinity to Zalia, wondering what was going to happen next. He heard Arisa ask what was happening, so Beelzenef said "Me not know, they both change to animals so lot like each other."
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Miss Elegent Serenity
Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:44 pm

Trinity looked confused
"I don't know, but you look familiar to me as well"
she thought for a moment
"I just can't figure out why though"
she looked back a Zalia
"I don't recall ever meeting a fox girl before"
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:50 pm

Arisa looked at the tall goblin, and the color drained from her face. "Umm....I wasn't talking about them..." she pointed to the scroll; "I was talking about that."

Zalia tilted her head slightly. "Umm....I don't know how to ask this...but...umm....have you ever seen a giant tiger?" She asked, as her ears twitched again.
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Miss Elegent Serenity
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~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 Empty
Miss Elegent Serenity>
PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 3:55 pm

Trinity shook her head
"No I don't ever recall seeing a giant tiger"
she started fiddling with the ribbon
"Why do you ask?"
She looked back towards the group she was with and pointed at them
"I came here with them"
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PostSubject: Re: ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot)   ~Bellatrix ~ (reboot) - Page 27 EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 4:00 pm

"No reason." Zalia replied, as her ears turned towards Beelzenef. "I'm kinda the reason why the fighting all started in the first place." she said in a sad tone. "My father doesn't exactly accept me as I am, and Beelzenef has been far more accepting of me than my father. I really don't know what drove my father here...but he came here demanding that I go home and marry so he could have more power."
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